lunedì 25 novembre 2013

Why this Poster

Why this poster?
I decided to make the poster number 1. The first poster is the one i had in my mind from the beginning and the more complete between all. It's for shore the one more complete and i know i can be appealing and have all the information needed. I think i can make everything without using the internet so i wont have any problem with the copy write. All of this can be possible if i can use my computer with all my different software. I will use black images of kids male and female so that it doesn't advertise any other competitor. All the other poster i don't think i will event try to make the others digitally. I will make another one just in case the first one looks bad i thick i would choose or 3,4.

giovedì 21 novembre 2013

Poster Evaluation

Poster Evaluation 

Dose the poster advertise any competitor?
 No the poster at the and contain two black drownings of a boy and a girl singing this shows that any one can win.

Can i do the poster with my software?
 At the end i made the poster with my computer using Adobe Photoshop  because i have some experience with it and i thought it was the best pick for the type of work

Can it be full of info and steal look good?
 At the end the poster look a bit worst with the notes that said what to do when it is and where but they had to be there

Am i using copy written materials?
no all the things in my poster aren't copy written 

Is an A3 piece of paper big enough?
all the design and the information fitted in the poster at the end with no problems.

Did i make it appealing?
The poster is pretty appealing for me i like the different shades of green and black background and the color choices catch the eye.

Did i write all the info? 
i inclooded the most fundamental information on the poster i didn't put the city where there is the event because i assume that people knew where is the school.


giovedì 14 novembre 2013



My poster at the end evaluate more or less all the outcomes i written at the beginning of the project. I didn't advertise any competitor because my poster has only two black drownings of a boy and a girl singing. I ended up using adobe Photoshop as a software on my computer because i have lot's of experience with it. The information didn't add to the poster, i think it made it look a bit worst but it had to be there so i don't complain. I never used copy written materials i was very careful when i searched for images. The thing that missed a lot on my poster was the information, i didn't write it all because it didn't fit in the A3 piece of paper and if i added more the poster would have bin less appealing. I made my poster so it was appealing and different from the original and if i was full of info the people wouldn't look at it so from my poster they get the general idea if they want to know more they can ask around.

lunedì 11 novembre 2013

Poster Table Evaluation

Test name
Expected outcome
Actual outcome
Comments or improvement needed
Dose the school advertise any competitor?

no No the poster at the and contain two black drownings of a boy and a girl singing this shows that any one can win.
Can I do it with my software?

yesAt the end i made the poster with my computer using Adobe Photoshop  because i have some experience with it and i thought it was the best pick for the type of work
Cant be full of info and steel look good?

meh At the end the poster look a bit worst with the notes that said what to do when it is and where but they had to be there
Am i using copy written materials?

No all the materials in my poster aren't copy written
Is an A3 pice of paper big in enough? 

All the design and the information fitted in the poster at the end with no problems.
Did I make it appealing?

The poster is pretty appealing for me i like the different shades of green and black background and the color choices catch the eye.
Did i write all the info?

more or less
I included the most fundamental information on the poster i didn't put the city where there is the event because i assume that people knew where is the school.

mercoledì 23 ottobre 2013


Working Process

Lorenzo Gianni

Working Process

 1) I started making the background. I decided to make it green and black to make it different from the classic red to make it more original. I kept it like the original drowning made.


 2)I added an effect to make it more interesting and I putted a white line in the middle of the rectangles so that you can distinguish the colors better. i didn't plan to do this at the beginning but i thought that the old back grown felt very flat.

 3) I wrote the logo with a 3D effect that goes downward and a bit of distortion on the X. I had some problems to make the X 3dimentional because the 3d tool didn't work. So i used a very old technique and i multiplied the X and I pushed every one down of one pixel.  

 4) I added a drowning of two kids singing a boy and a girl. I made them black so you can think that the person singing can be you. I found the drowning in a folder i had of basic design presets. 

5) At last I added the info in some boxes with the information about the event and the school logo. I added the fundamental information because i could have covered the design and made it ugly. They are all transparent also the ism logo so you can see what is under.