lunedì 11 novembre 2013

Poster Table Evaluation

Test name
Expected outcome
Actual outcome
Comments or improvement needed
Dose the school advertise any competitor?

no No the poster at the and contain two black drownings of a boy and a girl singing this shows that any one can win.
Can I do it with my software?

yesAt the end i made the poster with my computer using Adobe Photoshop  because i have some experience with it and i thought it was the best pick for the type of work
Cant be full of info and steel look good?

meh At the end the poster look a bit worst with the notes that said what to do when it is and where but they had to be there
Am i using copy written materials?

No all the materials in my poster aren't copy written
Is an A3 pice of paper big in enough? 

All the design and the information fitted in the poster at the end with no problems.
Did I make it appealing?

The poster is pretty appealing for me i like the different shades of green and black background and the color choices catch the eye.
Did i write all the info?

more or less
I included the most fundamental information on the poster i didn't put the city where there is the event because i assume that people knew where is the school.

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