martedì 15 ottobre 2013


1.How the poster should look like?
I think that my poster should look different from the classic X factor. I want people to see that this event isn't as important as the real x-factor that it is just a singing competition. 

2.Should it look like the TV show poster?
I think i will make my poster not red like the original but green and black because for me they make a good contrast and it looks different from the original.

3.What is the best software for this work?
The software want to use is Adobe Photoshop because i used it different times and i feel very comfortable making this type of work with it. 

4.And if i don't know it how do i use it?
Lots of people think it's the best software fro this type of things and luckily i have it on my computer, so i think i will do it at home or i will bring my computer at school. 

5.Should it be simple or fancy?
I think that the poster should be simple but sill eye catching. It should be in the middle of simple and over the top, people should look at it and think it is cool but they shouldn't be confused of what they are seeing. 

6.How big should it be exactly?
The size of the poster should be like an A3 pice of paper (297x210mm). I will use it landscape because i need more horizontal space.

7.Is the materials i use copy written?
I will try to don't use any image from the internet so I will avoid the problem of copy write but if i decide to use one i will make sure it isn't copy written. 

8.When is the event?
The event is the 13 on November in the theater of the school at via I Maggio and food will be served. 

9. What i need to include?
I think i should include the fundamental things because i don't want my poster to be filled with information. I will write for shore the date and where is the event i think i will probably add also that food will be served so that people are more interested. 

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